Monday, January 18, 2010

Top Paintball Masks!

Now that you have a Paintball gun you need you might be wondering which paintball mask is best for you. We have reviewed several paintball masks and have come up with seven catagories most players look at when selecting their paintball masks.

Safty! Does this paintball mask do what it is intended to do, protect your face and head from intense paintball?

Dye I3

Vision! How well can you see out of your paintball mask? Can you see everything going on around you (ex: team members, where the opposing members and and where are the shots coming from)?

V-Force Profiler

Communication! Can you hear your teammates? Can your teammates hear you? Can you hear everything going around you in this paintball mask? Sometimes the slightest sounds can save you.

JT Flex

Lens Change! How fast can you change out the lens in your paintball mask. Sometimes between paintball matches time is limited and you do not want to spend your whole break taking apart your paintball mask to clean it or change the lens.

V-Force Pro Vantage

Comfort! Is this paintball mask comfortable? You want a paintball mask that fits you well because you must keep the paintball mask on throughout the whole match. Most paintballers play with great intensity and their paintball mask must fit their face well and stay in place.

V-Force Grillz

Weight! How much does the paintball mask weigh? When you get to the point where the paintball mask is apart of your face and you forget it is even on your head, you know you have found the right paintball mask!

(click here for extensive Empire Events paintball mask review)

Price! Make sure you get what you are paying for when buying a paintball mask. If you pay a lot for the paintball mask get exactly what you want. Also remember, this paintball mask is protecting your FACE! You can get hit almost anywhere else and wipe it off or cover it up but not your face.

Proto Pro Axis

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Paintball Guns for Beginners

If you are just starting into this awesome sport then you need to ask yourself a few questions.

First: How often do I plan on playing?
If you plan on only playing paintball a few times a year then you will not need the high end paintball gun. Then if you decide you are going to play more you can upgrade to a higher performing paintball gun.

Second: Who will you be playing with and what paintball guns are they using?
If you are playing with friends and co-workers ask them what kind of paintball guns they use and what they like and dislike about them. This will give you a good idea of what to look for and what to avoid when buying a paintball gun. Also, you do not want to be on the field or in the woods playing against paintball guns that shoot 35+ bps and you are shooting 15-20 bps.

Third: What are you most comfortable with?
The only way to figure this out is to play, play, and then play some more! The more you play paintball the more you will be able to tell what your needs are. If you are the sniper type, there are paintball guns with scopes on them. If you are the type that is in the middle of the action all the time, there are paintball guns that are lighter and shoot more paintballs per second.

The most popular paintball guns for beginners are the Tippmann or Kingman series. They have a wide price range and are upgradable.

Just remember to enjoy the game and be safe!
Happy Paintballing!!!